6 Things in Cars That Will Disappear by 2030

April 4, 2022
Mnea Minogue

The world is constantly changing. Instead of cinemas, we watch Netflix movies, 20Bet Canada and similar platforms are preferred by more people than offline betting. The same works with the auto industry, and since cars are constantly being improved, some things disappear. These are just a few things we won’t see in cars by 2030.

High-volume Engine

Even today, cars with large-volume engines are trying to crush taxes, environmental levies and public censure. Whereas in the past, large manufacturers tried to fit as powerful a V12 gasoline engine as possible into their supercars without thinking about how polluting it was, today they are abandoning them in favor of electric motors.

Such a move is understandable because for sports cars and supercars it is not autonomy that matters, but speed and maneuverability, and an electric engine can give all this. For example, the Lamborghini Countach, the company claims, will be the last car with a V12 engine. Other sports car and supercar manufacturers will soon come around to this solution as well.

Manual Transmission

It won’t be long before the manual will almost completely disappear from the market, remaining only in highly specialized models, such as race cars. The rest of the cars, even the cheapest ones, will be equipped with automatic transmissions. This is a logical decision, because the modern automatic transmission allows to reduce fuel consumption, make driving smoother, and, of course, simplify the steering of the car.

Gearshift Lever

Although automatic transmissions only require you to touch the lever to shift into reverse or park the car, it still has the shape of the familiar manual gear shift lever.

When automatic transmissions first appeared, this move was justified by driver habit, so that it would be easier for them to adapt to driving. But today the levers make no sense, and they have already been replaced by wheels, buttons and even keys on the touchscreen.

Rearview Mirrors

Once there was no replacement for the rearview mirrors, and all manufacturers could offer was to look to the sides to see if you were in the way of someone when changing lanes. But today, with the development of technology, the need for rearview mirrors is no longer needed because they are replaced by cameras. The advantage of this solution is that now the driver does not need to turn his head to the sides, trying to see in a small mirror approaching cars. It’s enough just to look at the monitor and see the whole picture covering a wide angle both on the sides and behind the car. Besides, the lack of mirrors slightly improves aerodynamics.


By this, we mean the mechanical keys. Today, manufacturers are abandoning mechanical keys in favor of engine start buttons. It’s more convenient and even safer, if the button has a built-in sensor that reads the fingerprint. Besides, some models already have the ability to start the car remotely using an app. In the future, it will be possible to open the car by biometrics, by putting a finger on the sensor and saying the code phrase.

Analog Dashboard and Buttons

Owners of older cars still encounter analog gauges like the speedometer and tachometer. But they are gradually disappearing into the museum, giving way to digital gauges. Those are more informative and allow for customization. Even if you’re a fan of retro and like everything familiar, the digital gauges can be configured to display data in the style of analog panels. The same goes for the buttons responsible for headlights, wipers, heating, air conditioning, multimedia and other functions. In the new models of the middle and premium class, almost all these functions have moved to the touch screen. It’s convenient because all the functions are in one place, and the driver doesn’t have to take his eyes off the road to find the right one.

Featured Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash