What to Do If You Hit a Parked Car in Houston, Texas?

May 8, 2024

Collisions involving parked cars can happen unexpectedly, leaving drivers feeling anxious and unsure of how to proceed. In Houston, Texas, where traffic is often heavy, whether you hit a car in a crowded parking lot or along a residential street, the scenario can be stressful and confusing. However, knowing how to handle the situation calmly and responsibly can mitigate the impact and ensure a smoother resolution for all parties involved.

What Are My Legal Responsibilities

Understanding the legal obligations in the event of hitting a parked car is crucial for drivers in Houston. Texas law requires drivers to take certain steps when they damage an unattended vehicle. This includes:

  • Locating the owner or leaving a written note with contact information.
  • Providing assistance or reporting the incident to law enforcement if the damage is significant.
  • Cooperating with the owner of the parked car and exchanging insurance information.

Steps to Take

  • Stay Calm and Assess the Situation:

When you realize you’ve hit a parked car, it’s natural to feel a surge of panic. However, it’s crucial to remain calm and composed. Take a moment to assess the situation. Check for any immediate dangers, such as oncoming traffic or pedestrians, and ensure your own safety as well as the safety of others.

  • Determine the Extent of Damage:

Once you’ve ensured everyone’s safety, examine the extent of the damage to both vehicles. Note any dents, scratches, or other visible signs of impact. Take photographs of the scene from multiple angles, including close-ups of the damage to both vehicles. These photos will serve as valuable evidence for insurance purposes.

  • Leave a Note with Contact Information:

In Texas, state law requires drivers who hit an unattended vehicle to take reasonable steps to locate the owner or leave a written notice with their contact information. If the owner cannot be located immediately, leave a note in a conspicuous location on the parked car. Include your name, phone number, and a brief explanation of what happened. Be sure to take a photo of the note for your records.

  • Notify the Authorities:

While it’s not always necessary to involve law enforcement in minor accidents, it’s advisable to contact the local police or sheriff’s department, especially if the damage is significant or if the owner of the parked car cannot be located. An official police report can help document the incident and facilitate the insurance claims process.

  • Contact Your Insurance Provider:

As soon as possible, notify your insurance provider of the accident. Provide them with all relevant details, including the time, location, and circumstances of the collision, as well as the contact information of the other party involved, if available. Your insurance company will guide you through the claims process and advise you on the next steps.

  • Cooperate with the Owner of the Parked Car:

If the owner of the parked car contacts you after finding your note, be cooperative and forthcoming. Provide them with your insurance information and answer any questions they may have. It’s essential to maintain open communication and work together to resolve the situation amicably.

  • Consider Legal Assistance:

In some cases, disputes may arise regarding liability or the extent of damages. If you encounter challenges in resolving the matter with the other party or their insurance provider, consider seeking legal assistance.

  • Learn from the Experience:

Accidents happen, but they also present opportunities for learning and growth. Reflect on the circumstances that led to the collision and consider what steps you can take to prevent similar incidents in the future. Whether it’s practicing defensive driving techniques or improving your awareness in parking lots, proactive measures can help reduce the risk of accidents.

Hit and Run Allegations

Hit-and-run allegations can have serious legal consequences, including fines, license suspension, and criminal charges. In Houston, leaving the scene of an accident, even if it involves a parked car, is considered a criminal offense. To avoid hit-and-run allegations:

  • Remain at the scene and fulfill your legal obligations.
  • Contact law enforcement and provide them with accurate information about the incident.
  • Cooperate fully with any investigation conducted by the authorities.
  • Seek legal advice from a Houston hit and run attorney, if you’re facing hit-and-run allegations to understand your rights and options for defense.


Navigating the aftermath of hitting a parked car in Houston, Texas, requires a combination of legal awareness, damage control measures, and accountability. By understanding your legal responsibilities, taking prompt action to assess and document the damage, and avoiding hit-and-run allegations through cooperation with authorities, you can handle the situation responsibly and minimize the consequences. Remember, addressing the situation with honesty and integrity not only fulfills your legal obligations but also fosters trust and respect within the community.